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Hedge Synergy

Performance of the Hedge Synergy NAV, Long Portfolio, Short Portfolio and S&P 500

The virtual long/short equity Hedge Synergy Fund was started on October 1, 2004. The web site was launched April 23, 2005 and is updated weekly (see Barron's classified ads 4/25/05 page MW6). The above chart shows the returns of the virtual Hedge Synergy Fund NAV (net returns after deducting Performance/Asset Fee), long portfolio, short portfolio and the S&P 500. For an explanation of my methodology please see Hedge Strategy.

2019 Q3 Quarterly Hedge Fund Performance - Friday 06/28 to Friday 08/02

The above chart shows the performance of the virtual Hedge Synergy Fund NAV (net returns after deducting Performance/Asset Fee), Hedge Synergy Fund Gross returns, Long Portfolio, Short Portfolio and the S&P 500 for the third quarter of 2019. On June 28, the short stock portfolio contained 32 stocks so the short portfolio was 32% of the fund equity and the long stock portfolio was 100% of fund equity. This made the funds net exposure 68% and the gross exposure 132%. On July 26, 2019 (the white vertical line) the short stock portfolio contained 35 stocks so the short portfolio was 35% of the fund equity and the long stock portfolio was 100% of fund equity. This made the funds net exposure 65% and the gross exposure 135%. On August 30 2019 (the red vertical line) the short stock portfolio contained 43 stocks so the short portfolio was 43% of the fund equity and the long stock portfolio was 100% of fund equity. This made the funds net exposure 57% and the gross exposure 143%.


* The portfolio market capitalization statistics are calculated at the time the current portfolios are updated.

 2019 Q3 - Friday 08/30 to Friday 09/27
The above table shows the returns of the individual Long and Short Portfolios for the current quarter. To review the returns of the previous quarters, please go to to the Portfolio Returns web page.

Drawdown of the Hedge Synergy Fund NAV and the S&P 500

Performance of the Hedge Synergy Fund NAV Relative to the S&P 500